Monday, October 31, 2011

Allow yourself to be fully unleashed and expressed in this world

Bono said it best when he said, “the heart is a globe.” Now is the time for the heart of the globe to rise as the reigning power in this small little world that we live in which can seem so big at times because of our perception of separation. The fighting, isolation, depression and addiction are all symptoms of a belief in separation. The heart will be revealed through the people that they are inseparably One with Divinity. The Good word of total Union must have avenues into the world, like a thousand keys turning the key-holes of the hearts of those who are sleeping. With the turn of the key they begin to wake up to their true nature and the light of their heart can burn brightly and beat in unison with the heart beat of God, the Love of the world. A unified heart, mind and body, is a temple for healing and a sanctuary for the soul to do just this, heal. The soul of most individuals carries the scars of many lifetimes, I call them “layers” of stagnate belief systems, which cloud the Light that is always shooting out from the center of a persons stratosphere, is clouded, redirected or simply becomes dim. The kaleidoscope of an individuals light is primarily an array of reflections of a singular Light, fragmented and distorted by the souls journey through lifetimes. The pain, the sadness, the repression, the anger and many other experiences which are meant to be completely circulated into and out of one’s being, become embedded in the soul. We become carriers of that darkness, the dark energy of our families mis-steps, of our societies mis-steps, of our total lack of evolving spiritually and emotionally at the rate and pace at which other systems of our lives have evolved over the last 2000 years. Technology and the aspect of mind which we call Intelligence have been way over-developed, emphasized and respected in many cultures and especially ours, here in the U.S.. As an empathic person, meaning I feel and sense the overall energetic tone of another individual I am, whether I like it or not, often privy to “what’s really goin on.” In most people that I encounter throughout the day I get an overwhelming sense of stress, anxiety, fear and overall discontentment. It is so interesting to watch people grabbing for something, anything to take them from the present moment. Our heart, as a Globe, is broken.

The Good news is that when a heart breaks, it breaks open to a much greater space and play place for the Divine. Isn’t this true of any personal heart-break you have gone through. That through that intimate time of grieving and confusion and darkness that what you emerged with is always a stronger sense of who you truly are. I believe that The Divine is driving us through this broken heart for it is now calling us on a deep level to surrender our mind and participate in creating a much greater heart space to play in us individually and as a collective. As technology developed, the Intellectual aspect of mind developed greatly through the consistent use of it in the world but as with any dynamic body of life which requires the development of all of it’s parts for it to continue to evolve and thrive we have allowed the Intellect to develop so much so that it is now creating a major imbalance in the planetary harmony and evolution. This dis-harmony is tangible in the world. Even in what we consider the most thriving systems we can sense individual discontentment, because it is the system that is thriving through it’s mechanical nature which was the intent of the intellectual designer of the system. The problem with something mechanical is that if an individual somehow falls off the “treadmill” the machinery keeps moving and the individual is left in the dust. In that moment that the individual “gets back on the horse” they have adopted a major driving belief and have been “conditioned” to believe that this is the way that life is. This is not the nature of life, to create systems that are so tightly run that one cannot fall down for they might be left or shamed for those managing to move fast enough to keep up with the machinery of life as we have created it.

The nature of God is Love and the beauty of life is that here is where we get to Play and Evolve with the Unconditional Loving Support of God which is likened to but so much more than a Father, a Mother, A sister, A Friend. Would a Friend send you into a rat race, watch you fall, watch you shamed, watch you struggle to be the same as everyone else? No, this is the conditioning of the ego. Listen inside yourself and ask yourself, is this the nature of God and who I am? Would a mother encourage you to stay in a system where you are constantly fatigued because life told you that you are supposed to work 40-70 hours a week pouring the majority of your life giving energy into someone elses dream? No, and especially not a mother who is Omniscient, who knows all and knows that the purpose of your life is to express more life energy, to find and identify the God seed within you, to discover the purpose for which you specifically came to express yourself, that which came to be fully unleashed and expressed….. THAT is why we are here. Once we understand this, our whole paradigm can shift and we can start to cultivate a relationship the whole oversoul as Emerson calls it through spiritual practices, which have been in place since the beginning of time. You are now free to live out your true meaning and purpose now that you know that most of what you are told, is a lie. Your soul purpose is to discover the God-seed within you and to make yourself available to the Light and Love of God and allow yourself to be fully unleashed and expressed in this world, to let your light shine brightly and in so doing to Glorify God!

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