Thursday, October 27, 2011

Turning the key-holes of a thousand hearts

The thing about sobriety is that we could all use a little more of it. Yet, it’s one of the most courageous things one could do in a world like this. Who wants to be one of the few to face their feelings when everyone else is running around pretending they don’t have any. Masking their feelings with all of the distractions of daily life. We are living for our distractions and have for so long that the idea of being with what’s really in our mind’s, with the havoc that the subconscious mind has created while we run from it every minute of every day. We work tirelessly long hours to occupy ourselves long enough to sit in tedious traffic with the radio blaring the bad news to get home to here about the distractions which occupied the day of our loved ones. We buy into consumerism, over-everything – eating, drinking, smoking, gossiping, television watching, sleeping, working. What is so daunting about being quietly with oneself? FEAR – we’ll find FEAR truly running the show…. Our bubble of a false image of Pleasantville will be burst for the one person we can’t lie to is, ourself. If we know than everyone else might know too and that would in most people’s mind be the ultimate tragedy – not that they themselves are lacking the most quality of life, happiness, joy or even true contentment – but that another might know about it. We are, so many of us, hiding in our closets of dillussional darkness and fear and pretending sheepishly that no one else knows about it. Guess what, there are no secrets, we are all One. No truly, we are all ONE…. Meaning truly and deeply connected and springing from the same thing which means that there is no separation between me and you and if I listen deeply inside of me I can always feel and know what is going on inside of you. So, let’s stop lying to ourselves first and start getting honest with each other… it’s our only way out of the dark delusional closets that we have mistakenly locked ourselves in. Sobriety is a good beginning.

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