Saturday, November 5, 2011

Embracing the Mystery

Embracing the mystery is Being Rooted, Connected, Open, Available, Alive with Vision and yet Present. It is about finding that sweet spot of showing up and allowing. All of the dedication and practice we commit to in the program and through yoga is our dedication to showing up. The allowing is the sweet spot of surrender which allows Pure Good in It’s newness to flow in a way that previously had never occurred, ever on this planet. Whether it’s taking flight from twisted chair into a crow flown only and ever by you in that way on that day or the full dynamic unleashed creativity of spontaneity through the stroke of your brush onto the canvas before you. Embracing the mystery is about life when it becomes a place where intuition lives fiery and true in our souls and we can almost taste the vision for the next step of our evolution and sometimes the veil will part and the vision for our life swims like a school of dolphins through our being. The key is to somehow stay grounded in the present moment, the present day without taking off with the tiny taste of what’s to come, for we may take off in the wrong direction if our surface mind interprets the vision slightly askew. Embracing the mystery has this sweet and powerful component of Trust, which is buoyant and filled with anticipatory excitement when embodied. Embracing the mystery is born of a deep rootedness or groundedness and yet an opening at the top. The exalted tree, just like it is symbolized and embodied in yoga. First you must root down and send your energetic roots into the loving wrapture and support of Mother God as the earth and then allow life energy to rise from the center of the Universe up through powerful energetic lines and systems in your body and as if the automatical and instinctual movement of life as growth, your arms reach out and your tree’s branches are extended, if only for a moment, your tree of life is exalted. I root down in my life and reach up with a wide open heart and allow life to flow in me, through me and as me. I am 100% open to a completely new expression of the greatest possible version of myself. I let my light shine brightly and sincerely hope that my light might brighten a dark place on your path. I know your light has been my saving grace through the dark places on mine. Together we awaken and rise. Much Love Extended to each of you this day.

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