Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Stay Sober to Stay Clear....

Opening and expanding my sails to receive the gifts that this and the days to is such a different approach to the old “muscling” of life that I did when I thought I was somehow in control of the outcome. In the meeting this morning I heard that we are in control of the activities and The Universe in control of the results. What a fine idea of balance and harmony between my humble being and the Infinite life force which clearly moves forth as life each moment of every day. Life IS in session and today I focus on how to participate in a loving way to my unique tone but in tune with the fullness of the orchestration of Good on the planet, in Seattle, at this coffee shop, with my sponsor, in my yoga class, with my best friends, as a daughter. All of these are identities that Life lives out through me but at the core we are all the same, the essence of your life and my life are the same, it is Love. So I attune myself with what is True and what is real about me and about you and stay dedicated in my vision of both you and I to the love that is your center and my center. I stay sober to stay clear and undistorted so that more each day I see you, the real you and I reveal me, the real me.

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