Monday, November 21, 2011

Shifting Perspective and Perception

“One day at a time” is a Perspective Principle used in the program that a lot of us have resistance to, or simply don’t understand when we first arrive in the program.  This principle shifts our perspective and makes us fully available to take care of what is directly in front of us.  This is powerful, especially in early sobriety as we walk through the stages of participating in stabilizing the systems of our lives.  Some of these systems I am referring to are relationships, finances, career, health etc.  Lately, as I chose to make a career switch to something that is in line with who I am and something to support me as I build my spiritual life coaching business, I am struggling with my finances.  Man, this can feel super scary sometimes and I have to pull myself from the thought of “what did I do wrong?”  I find myself justifying to my higher power of why I deserve to feel free financially….I haven’t smoked in 2.5 months, I haven’t had a single mind-altering substance(save sugar J) in over six months, I am not spending my money frivolously, I have full intention to be in full financial integrity and have not once taken on a bill that I have not fully intended to pay and yet like now I find myself in tears of fear for my financial health and well being. Well, there is no justification necessary Ash, I believe in a Universe where there is more than enough and it is our birthright to be fueled, fed and supplied so I let go of justifying and start trusting in my Higher Power which loves me more than I could possibly know.  I called my sister and she reminded me that if the only thing that I do today is stay sober, than I have accomplished a lot.  There are people dying this very moment of this disease and so many more that are dying inside of loneliness and isolation of this disease.  I am grateful today to be immersed in communities and practices of Love and to be present to what is so that I can also be present and available for shifts and changes in my life for the better.  This is the shake down, the meantime and the clearing work that comes with getting sober.  The key I think is to take on the perspective of taking life on “just for today.”  I get it – when we are sober we are present for the good AND the challenges.  We can’t just check out anymore and forget that this stuff is going on.  Life is indeed in session and now we have the tools (the steps, the poses) and the support (the fellowship, the teachers, the mentors) who have walked through their own “stuff,” who are here to guide us.  This is a reminder to you and to me, that even if I(you) are going through something that feels like it will never end, it will…. “this too shall pass” and once it does, if I stay sober there will be a gift waiting that is always worth every ounce of strength it took to pull through.  Today I show up, just for today and I do what has never been easy for me before…. I lean in and allow others to support me.  I allow myself to be seen through a state of vulnerability and honesty with where I am at and as a result, I come to rely upon miracles – it’s the beauty of sobriety.

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