Monday, December 26, 2011

Community Is Calling Me

“You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I know I’m not the only one…..imagine…. a brotherhood of man…. the world is one.” -John Lennon  The words of this song never cease to unzip me and expose my heart.  I remember when I listen to lyrics like this what this whole sobriety, yoga and life thing is about.  I am here to be a part of expanding the dream of John Lennon, the dream that is deep down inside all of our hearts, into reality.  I am here as an usher, as a servant to the dream of the heart, to the dream of One.  I crave community like my pup Sophie craves bacon wrapped dried mango.  I have a dream and a vision of community which inspires, draws and informs me all of the time.  I have a dream to participate in the fully unleashed expression of celebration, healing, love, light, creativity, joy, triumph, freedom and prosperity.  I know this is my vision, my call, my path because it is un-waivering.  Since I first stepped into some version of loving community at The Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle and then into other Center for Spiritual Livings and ultimately into the rooms I found my soul in these places.  I found the feeling tone, which I crave with all of me.  However, whether it be an hour in the rooms, a few hours celebrating on a Sunday, a few hours with a sangha once a month, a few hours in a class once a week or whatnot…. I always want more.  Like many of us, I go back into the world of the blessed “sleepers” who don’t yet know that they are sleeping and I feel alone.  I miss my compadres who are on the spiritual journey with me.  My favorite times in life is when I have been on spiritual retreats for several nights at a time and the journey is always for the revelation of greater wholeness, greater health, greater freedom and always the journey is inward and deeper…. So paradoxically we each go inward together in a setting like this but what comes from that journey inward is a celebration and deepening in the community as a whole.  To witness anothers revelation of growth, truth, light, freedom and pure joy goes unparalleled.   I don’t know, there is just something about community for me, that I live for.  I love it.  I thrive in it.  So, over the next few days as we prepare for the new year I am going to explore the inspiration and ideas of community that infiltrate my being.  If you have any thoughts or ideas that you would like to explore or have me address in my next blog then please post them in the comment section.  I believe God is in all of us and the best healing happens when there is an active dialogue between more than one individual.  So don’t be shy, hop in and post your thoughts, your creativity and shine your light… we could all use a little more of you in our lives today J

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