Saturday, December 24, 2011

Let It Shine Baby!

There is a Holy Wholeness at the center of each one of us.  If the way that your light is being reflected is fragmented, it is only because there is a belief system or layer covering some aspect of your true nature.  It’s like having a lamp that is covered partially by a towel.  The light bulb itself is still complete with all of it’s components but something else is blocking the reflection of the whole light that is available for expression.  “There is a light and it never goes out” and it is at the center of every one of us.  One of my favorite yoga instructors plays a song that repeats this chorus while we lay in Sivasana.  This is because that we hunger for this Truth.  Such a simple remembering and yet so powerful.  So, remember this today…. No matter how dark it feels inside there is just underneath the pain, confusion, desolation, emptiness a bright and mighty light that extends into Infinity.  If you are having a day where you feel powerfully connected to your light, then let it shine baby, because I guarantee you there are others who could use your light in their world.  There is sometimes this business in life where somebody’s ego temporarily takes them over and their ego does not like to see another's spirit thriving and doing well… they may even go as far as to attempt to bring you down.  Remember in those moments that the world is hungering for your light and when you feel it, please do not tone it down.  You came to shine!  A part of shining is too the light that comes from walking through the darkness…. So if you are in the darkness…. keep walking and those of us who are in the part of the cycle that we will call “shining” are shinings our lights to brighten your way.    Please, just remember that your light is always there….. it never goes out or away.  Even the most robust and beautiful plant has it’s time as a seedling in the soil.  Even the most beautiful plants live out the seasons of life and die to themselves through the cycles.  It is important to remember that brilliance is of Infinity and in order to experience this one must die to their little selves and allow what is true of all of us to shine uniquely through their kaleidescope of being.  Life is Good by it’s very nature.  You are Love, Loved and Beloved.  Blessings

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