Saturday, December 3, 2011

Truth or Identity?

“So, if you are seeking something else in the name of creativity then drop the idea of being creative.”  Osho
We tend to be so caught up in the identity that facilitates the expression.  Any identity is a faculty of the ego.  I am an artist!  I am honest!  I am a woman!  I am an athlete!  I am a minister!  I am a yogi!  I am a good friend!  I am a skier!  I am a liberal!  Whatever identity that I cling to is only holding me back from my greatness.  My greatness is expressed when the ego is asleep and I have forgotten altogether about my little self, which I think is my big self.  I think this is why service feels so flippin’ good… we get a mechanically induced experience of selflessness.   We become identified with the whole and it naturally feels so good.  I believe that this state is available throughout our lives and is the nature of our God self that we came to live.  Somehow, somewhere along the way we became so identified with the ego and did such a good job of forgetting the true nature of life that lies at the center of each of our lives that we began to collapse upon ourselves and each other through acts of selfishness and a hunger for a false power that does not truly belong to any individual anyway.  If one is exercising true power it never had anything to do with them in the first place.  It seems so often and so natural that we take credit for it and in so doing we release ourselves from the experience of genuine power and fall back into the shadow sides of life.  It hurt and feels embarrassing and shameful to play that game…. I know, I did it for so long.  I held myself to standards that were near impossible to meet all the time and ultimately set myself up for not feeling good enough, more often than not.  Of course, you never knew about this for I was constantly bending over backwards to out do myself and others in the constant game of comparison.  “Doing” is one major mis-conception in this world.  Somehow we believe that if we do more we deserve more….more credit, more aknowledgement, more money, more friends, more love, more freedom.  But it’s quite the opposite you see, the nature of life is to BE and allow natural action to occur through you.  Have you ever noticed the difference between an individual that seems to glide through the world and the world laying a path of soft stones and gentle lights to guide the individual along the way?  These are creatures who have evolved to life lived in a state of being.  Of course, these are action  based individuals…. But it is natural motivated action instigated by an inner drive which is the natural unfoldment of their love purpose on the planet.  Being is a state of Unity with the whole and doing is a state of comparison and separation.  This is the world of maya and one day we will all wake to the Truth that this world is one conjured up in mind from the aspects placed on this plane meant for relativity only…. Only we have become identified with the materials of the experiment verses the essence of life that we were going into the experiment and the essence of life that we will always be that will never change.  I am sober to be identified with the whole and to be in the glory of selflessness.  I love, love.  Love Out.

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