Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alleviating the Same Ol' Thought Patterns

Beginning step three again last night was not quite the experience I had expected based on prior work with the third step.  “Becoming willing to turn our will and our life over to the care of God, as we understand God,(3rd step of AA.)” means I need to examine the areas of my personal willfulness and “growing edges” as I call them or character defects as the program would call them.  Essentially this version of working the third step begins with examining what is blocking us from turning our entire will and life over to the care of The Divine and therefore the powerful and intimate connection, faith in and love of the purest possible connection with God.  My sense of people who are powerfully connected to source is a heart centered life, a relaxed and joyful attitude and a calm and ease that is so tangible.  The more I journey with this the more I recognize the tendency of so many people to live in their heads.  I think our mind, unless used simply as a tool or awareness or avenue of the hearts creation, is the place of much of the blockage that is the action self will, it is the action of the ego.  This leads then to the clarifying point that self will is ego and God’s will is that which is Infinite and Divine but lives at the center of us and is the very nature of who and what we are.  When this life within us finds it’s expression than the glory of God is born through us.  Funny then that we grip to our mind, to our ego, to our intellect, to our humor, to repeat and regurgitate who we think we are, blocking then the spontaneous movement of Goodness through us…. Something authentic and pure in the moment.  This repeat of old thought patterns which keeps us the same is the triumph of our ego, it is stagnancy and therefore the very experience of hell in our lives.  So, why then wouldn’t you drink to alleviate the boredom of sameness that we strive so hard to keep in our life.  The point of sobriety is to unleash the wildfire of the soul, for the natural excitement of life to take way and to show us things we never dreamed of seeing, it is to get to the pure unabated joy that is always waiting at the center of our soul to be set free!  So, stick with it today and set it free my friend.  If the unleashing isn’t quite happening yet, believe me, it will.  Intend to be in your heart.  Intend to breathe deeply into that space and to know it as your guide and your creator and the trip that you are in for is better than any you’ve taken by way of a chemical…. I promise you this. 

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