Friday, January 6, 2012

Clarity and Purpose

Two of my major intentions for 2012 are Clarity and the Revelation of my Purpose.  It is important to visit your intentions periodically, perhaps once a day or once a week, without digging them up.  There is a mental law which takes everything that we plant into it in the form of a thought plus a feeling.  Each time we spend time feeling our intention as if it’s done it is planted again and the life of the creation is watered and nurtured.  So, plant those babies and let the Universe take care of the how.  We are in charge of the “what” and God is in charge of the “how.”  I open myself his day to allow the nature of Clarity to inform me and my life.  Two particular areas of my life that I am making myself available to clarity are school and relationships.  My intention/prayer is something like this(always write your intentions in the present tense as if they have already happened) :  I am the clear movement of Spirit in this world.  All of my affairs are the harmonious union of Good in my life.  Each and every person, place and situation is served by this Divine Clarity.  Each area of my life is nurtured and lit up by the bright shining of clarity.  I am the clarity that I am.   As I am increasingly clear I have the courage to follow the guidance of God.  I follow my hearts whisper into the triumphant clarity of being and trust that my clarity is for the good of all and that each is supported in the same Infinite Love of God.   2 :  This is the year that my purpose becomes visible to the outside world…. My light, my word, my creativity, my truth – all shine in this world in a way which elevates and inspires those around me to a deeper and more profound relationship with God, with Good, with Purpose, with Power, with community, with their own Divine nature.  I participate in, teach, facilitate and grow in communities of Love.

So, set your intentions my friends and dive deep into relationship with your intentions this year.  No, mamby pamby, fly-by praying for those seeking heaven on earth.  Root down in God, in sobriety and Truth first.  Dedicate yourself to your inner life and your outer life will shine with the dynamic wonder of who and what you came to be.  I honor and love the light within each of you.  Namaste!

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