Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gratitude and Forgiveness

On my facebook page yesterday I invited people to join me in 365 days of gratitude practices.  I am inviting folks to use their daily status updates to make statements of gratitude in their lives.  Gratitude offers shifts in perspective, deepening into the life energy which births more good in our lives, activates the law of attention which states that what you place your attention on you attract more of – so why not attract more of what you are grateful for, and simply elevates us to better lives all around.  Find wasy to practice active gratitude today for your inetions for 2012 are richly supported in the soil of gratitude.  If there is something in the way of you accessing authentic gratitude than deal with that first with the practice of forgiveness.

It can be challenging to feel grateful when you feel like someone has stepped on your toes.  This is why a constant forgiveness practice is essential.  For example, yesterday I had a resentment come up with my boss – I worked really hard on something for a few weeks that she gave the store credit for in an email to our regional managers but did not associate my name with the accomplishments that resulted from my work.  Because of a deepening awareness of myself and keen ability to recognize “energetic hooks” in my body, I was able to identify this pretty quickly.  I tossed and turned a little with it last night but ultimately I realize that there is no use wasting energy on worrying about this.  I get down on my knees and I say something like “ God, relieve me of the bondage of self, of differences, this person and I are made of the same God stuff and she is doing the best she can with what she has got.  Perhaps this was an oversight – perhaps not, either way it does not make her wrong and me right.   There is nothing outside of God and my God is Good beyond my wildest dreams and therefore there could be nothing against me in this world.  I release my need to hold onto this resentment and I ask that you forgive me for holding a resentment, at all.  I ask for the grace to communicate directly with this person in an open, honest, loving and direct way and I ask that I am free to be the full and best version of myself throughout the day.  Free from this “hook” I am able to experience the natural gratitude within me.  Thank you sweet spirit.  May my intentions for 2012 continue to be birthded in this soil of gratitude and may I continue to become increasingly more clear every day in every area of my life.  In fact I am open to a total metaphysical leap into perfect, Divine Clarity.  I am the courage and the faith to walk in the direction of the guidance that I clearly receive.  Today, I am grounded in the gifts of today by remembering throughout the day, all that I am genuinely grateful for.

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