Thursday, January 19, 2012

Surrender to Serving Love, to Serving the Whole

Becoming One, Becoming Aligned through Surrender to that Life that is so much bigger than I am, are the action and the state of Being that at my deepest layer, I am seeking.  I surrender to Infinite life at the center of my life and all Life this morning.  I surrender my thoughts, desires, ideas, designs, any focus that is not here in this moment.  I surrender to the orchestration of The Divine whom I have come to Trust deeply and implicitly.  That Power whom I know that I may only begin to sense the most miniscule version of it’s majesty and power – that life which knows all and is everywhere present and is so intelligent that it is now in this very moment orchestrating your good and my good and everyone else’s good at the very same time.  I surrender my mind and my ego for the fullness of my heart and my soul.  I surrender my fear and my planning for the evolution and revelation of my purpose on this planet.  I surrender knowing that all of my needs are met and that the very longing at the center of my soul to be in full expression in every area of my life is that very life whispering it’s plans to me.  I surrender knowing that my dream states and my waking states are part of one life and that to be more attached or faithful in one over another is naivite in action.  I surrender those thoughts, ideas and feelings which are attached to the past and no longer serve the newest evolution of my soul.  I turn everything, every area of my life to the care of God.  My actions are the natural creative propulsion within me and I am moving forward in clean and clear ways as the life of Good unfolds as me.  There is no separation or belief which can hinder my full development and growth, any longer.  IN this moment of full surrender now, I am fully available to Divinity and all of it’s ways.  I am free.  I am free to be a wave in the ocean of life who is identified with the whole and not with self, identified with the ocean and not the wave.  I am free to live the bliss of being on purpose and on fire while remaining grounded and true. 

This morning I am fully steeped in the first, second and third steps of the program.  I surrender to this power I have come to believe is good beyond my wildest imaginings.  I surrender to the Light within and set it free to shine brightly in the world.  I say yes to a life that is good beyond my wildest imaginings and become fully present to the gifts of each moment throughout this day.  I surrender and ask, how can I be of service?  This is an act of love through me…. how can you serve love this day?

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