Monday, February 6, 2012

How's Your Spiritual Practice Been?

Just passed the threshold of ego based thought patterns there is, the  sweetest spot of Being.  It is why I sit in meditation.  It is why I have committed to facilitating others on their journey of meditation.  It’s there - I have been there. It’s “the field beyond right and wrong.”-Rumi.  It took me a whole year of sitting with my stuff for, between 20 minutes and an hour(usually closer to the hour) before I hit the sweet spot.  Like this morning in my meditation I found myself in this place of Unity, of Love, of Knowing and as I listened, I heard the clear line whisper of the Universe saying “let go, I have a life for you that is better than anything you have dreamt up so far.”  I am a good dreamer with huge dreams which makes it challenging for me to let go sometimes because I have this idea that I have a strong sense of God’s will for my life and I am somehow aligned with it.  This may be true “to an extent” with the key and operative words being “to an extent.”  In this human suit, as this human experience we can only ever have a “small gimpse” of Gods idea of our lives.  If you’re like me, the closer to full alignment, the bigger and the more awe-some the surge of feelings.  My feelings are a direct indicator of how close or how far I am from being on track, in-line with my life of fully expressed purpose, in line with God’s will for me.  I am going to venture out and say that I am not the person who is always most awake to the imagery that the Universe is broadcasting to me, through me, about my life but my energetic feelings and feeling tones are “my first language” when it comes to my communication with the Infinite.  Some people are super visual and immediately when they close their eyes they receive a flood of images, although I am opening more to this communication line it is not my best language, I am more in the ISL(imagery as a second language), group.  I often refer to the feeling of being pregnant with my good.  This is because everything is born inside oneself, inside ones consciousness.  As contrary as it seems to our “do it,” in the world of effects, society, I have learned and come to experience that life is certainly born inside my consciousness.  This is why we dedicate ourselves to our Spiritual Practice and in fact if we were to look at how much time we spend “fixing” things on the outside and dedicated but half of that time to our inner work, our lives would begin to reflect miracles and heaven  all over the place.  The first step is indeed admitting that we don’t know everything and then learning that we don’t need to “know” anything to be the person we came to be.  In fact, the less we know the more available we are to the Infinite Wisdom of the Universe.  When I have a judgment of another it is because I think I know something about them that could never be true anyhow.  If God is not judging this person, how righteous am I to take on judging them myself.  How often it is then to get involved in the game of separation…. Our society is infested with the ego’s play of judgment, “knowing” and resulting separation.  The only way out of this toxic reality is through Spiritual Practice.  So get down on it, start somewhere…. Start anywhere.  All paths and all practices ultimately lead to the same place.  Meditation may perhaps bring up that uncomfortability for a while but sit through it.  Love yourself more than any other individual could ever love you by being with you.  Get to know you.  Begin to realize what patterns are no longer working for you and intend to know the routes out of these old “behavioral hamster wheels.”   Pray, Give of yourself through service, paint, create, Be Present in Your Magnificent Wholeness and Let go of attachment to the results.  As Spirit so gently whispered from the center of my being this morning…. Let go my friend the Universe has a life in store for you that is greater than your most colorful dreams.  Take this moment to fully surrender to the power and presence of magnificence and love.  This presence I call God.  

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