Sunday, February 5, 2012

Meditation Reveals Opportunities for Forgiveness

Forgiveness is arguably the highest spiritual practice and is in place in every known spiritual path, whether it be the steps of the program, the practices of all major religions, as discussed and implemented in traditional therapy as well as imbedded in the subtle under-tone of yoga.  Meditation is the the journey, the art, the practice of paying un-destractable attention to Good, to God, to the Universal Oneness expressed as Light and Love.  Funnily enough when most close their eyes they do not immediately sense this Light, this Love, this Unity.  Most often especially, if one is new to meditation, there is an almost immediate flood of thoughts, ideas and feelings of separation.  When these thoughts and feelings first flood in they can be very daunting and one may feel overwhelmed by feelings of anger, jealousy, worry, fear or doubt.  This is perhaps why many do not stay long when it comes to the practice of meditating.  I remind those that come to weekly meditations at the store that it is a journey and much like learning anything new the beginning is full of technical details and the mechanics of it all.  Learning to sit up right, allowing beautiful lines of energy to flow through all of the chakras and simply being with “the flood” slowly allowing our awareness to soften the ferocity of what’s initially flowing.  Initially what we encounter are all of the areas, people, places and situations that we have not forgiven in ourselves, others or things we simply have taken back from God, to handle ourselves…. Only to find we werent’ able to handle it in and of ourselves and so we stuffed it into our own energetic dumping place within our body.  The sub-conscious mind is this dumping ground and it is FULL with the stuff we haven’t taken to God through a 5th step, 9th step or 10th step, consciously surrendering it in prayer pose, with another individual during a spiritual retreat, with the individual we are engaged in the learning opportunity with or other active practices toward forgiveness.  When we sit for meditation we often discover all of the things that we are holding onto and in essence those things that are holding us back from being purely present.  Being purely present is the only way to be available to the Divine Idea of our lives, to the fullness of expression and therefore joy and gratitude in our lives and ultimately to be so grounded when the newness of a fresh challenge arises that we move through it with some grace and dignity.  So, if when you sit to meditate you are bombarded by uncomfortable feelings, please remember that there is a spiritual solution - forgiveness.  There are a million forgiveness practices out there.  They can be as simple as acknowledging the negative thought and emotion that is arising as an area of forgiveness and saying to yourself right then and there during your meditation, please God forgive me and forgive he or she, releasing us to the highest expression for us in this day, in this moment.  Please Spirit forgive me for worrying about my laundry list then and in essence free me to be present in this moment. now  Forgive my mind for it’s desire to control and manipulate all things…. free me to the natural flow of my spirit which includes the deepest desires and truest thoughts of the mind anyhow.  Forgive me God for not being the person to love me the most so that I might learn to love others more fully as well. 

Practice forgiveness, every opportunity you have got and you will surely step into the next stage of your meditative heaven.  Blessings of Love.

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