Friday, February 17, 2012

Stick to Your Own Creation Guns

Stick with the creation that you came to create.  It is so easy to see that the grass is greener over there.  It happens a lot with me when I see a community that has it goin’ on over there and almost dive in.  I sometimes temporarily forget that I have community growing all over the place, in my life.  Sometimes I think I want to adopt other people’s communities.  I love the adventure and change in life which is also something I need to watch carefully as I truly discern whether my desire for change is/was about the magnificence of newness or truly about following the Divine idea of my life into it’s fullness.  Something that I have been praying for is happening in me and all around me – CLARITY.  The brilliance of clarity is shining through me and I am feeling light and at ease.  There is that part of me which always looks forward to the next chapter of my adventure which is a little glum in the clarity of my life right now.  The clarity which, knows that I am to stay in this stunning place where I live because, now is the time for my life purpose to take off and this is the place where it is happening.  There is a plentitude of travel in my forecast and training and involvement in some of my favorite communities which, are located elsewhere but this is my home and NOW is the time for the evolution of what I have always dreamt of becoming.  I don’t need a license to begin where I am and my training, education and learning will never end.  But now, it is time for me to take a metaphysical leap to the next orbit of my existence, stepping fully into the Divine Light which is laid before me.  With faith I walk forward,  I step forward into the light, fully trusting that the Divine Idea for my life is more colorful, more dynamic than anything that I could dream of.  But it begins here and like the alchemist I have traveled to the world to find what I was looking for – to find what was always and IS always, within.  And just like the alchemist I am home where I began this incarnation but I am home in my heart and deeply rooted in a dynamic and ever evolving relationship with the Infinite.  I am home in so many ways and on so many levels that it is really quite indescribable.  I am so grateful this morning for every step of the journey and especially those of continuous sobriety – those steps which have truly unlocked the life of God within.  I am grateful for the clarity and harmony of my mind, body and soul.  I am grateful for the deep faith that I walk in.  I am grateful.  I am grateful.  I am grateful.

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