Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hold the Vision Loosely

A mentor of mine introduced the idea of holding a vision “as loosely as possible….giving it ALL to God.”  I meditated upon this idea this morning.  I had a beautiful image of holding the vision in my outstretched hands allowing the winds and tides and lulls of life to have their way with the vision.  My participation is gently holding the vision, being a vessel of the vision but remembering never to be the “director” of the vision for my life, never attempting to control the vision.  When I get in situations where my ego wants to control things so badly, I first intend to release the need to control and do my best to work with the opportunity to grow from control to surrender but, if after a while I am not able to surrender, I remove myself from the situation all together for the highest good of all.  If however I have grown and developed to the point where I can recognize my desire to direct or control and I can successfully identify and release my ego from the driver seat and step into surrender than I have truly found a sweet spot in my evolution and get to soar in tandem with Spirit in the driver seat.  As I continue to participate in the unfoldment of that which I have been eating, sleeping and dreaming of for years, I am reminded now to stay out of my own way and allow the vision to continue to inform me.  I remind myself to stay in the embrace of the mystery and to release that which does not serve the highest vision for my life.  It is ok to grieve those things and yet stay the course, being moved forward…. Being pulled by the vision.  Michael Beckwith says that “pain pushes until vision pulls.”  Vision is drawing me forth like a guide dressed as a little girl in a flowing dress laughing and playing as she guides me through the expansive garden of my life, dodging and drifting through the old tree’s and the meadows… I follow because I feel her safety and her truth…. I feel and know that she is the guide from within me.  I wake with the vision spilling images from my heart through my mind and I am ignited and inspired by that which I can feel and see inside of me and am only just now beginning to see taking shape in the world we refer to as “reality.”  My commitment is to treasure it for the precious life that it is free from my influence.  I love and let love have it’s way with me today.

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