Monday, March 26, 2012

Like A Sunflower, I dedicate myself to the Sunlight of the Spirit

“The sunflower endures as seeing the sun though the sun’s glowing face is nightly obscured by a dark globe’s eight thousand miles of thickness.  It squeezes in the sun’s hot beams with ecstatic adoration, till living seeds fall from its yellow bosom and other sunflowers spring up and fill the garden patch with sunflowers.” Emma Cutis Hopkins

Am I like the sunflower which endures to see the Truth of all life?  My favorite flower has always been the sunflower and as I read this quote in the last chapter of a book that I have been reading for almost two years now, my heart almost leapt from my chest.  It is such a perfect revelation for that which I have been growing with and working through of late.  One of the things that I adopted from my father and one of those things that is stoked by alcoholism or any ism of the ego was and has been my judgment of others.  After the honey-moon period of a new friendship or relationship of any kind I find myself slipping into that uncomfortable place of judgment and comparison.  My aim is to see as God sees and in all actuality to perceive with the most expansive God eye that I can possibly perceive – all of life.  I love the quote above because during each twenty four hour period the sunflower is challenged to see through “the globe’s eith thousand miles of thickness” to see only Truth…. To see that which is gives it life and only that which gives it life.  As the sun rises, “it squeezes the sun’s hot beams with ecstatic adoration” this to me indicates the sun’s ecstasy or gratitude for the natural process and evolution of it’s life on a daily basis.  Isn’t it true that gratitude often feels like ecstasy…. True gratitude?  Doesn’t it feel like ecstacy?  Mmmm  and as it so loves and is focused on It’s source of growth and so naturally aligns with and is so grateful to be a part of the natural evolution of it’s sunflower self It can’t help but have “living seeds fall from its yellow bosom and other sunflowers spring up and fill the garden patch with more (exquisitely beautiful ) sunflowers.   This I think is the nature of the game, the original intent.  We are blessed with such a dynamic nature and yet the evolution and unfoldment of life is so exquisite, awe-inspiring and perfect on it’s own that it almost seems as simple as boiling it down into the Principle of seek first your source and then shower the fullness of yourself into the garden of life watching as it springs up all around you in sweet perfection.  This I think is like a healthy sponsorship or mentorship family.  Blessings of Love and Light.

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