Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Choices Now are in Harmony With My Longterm Goals

There is a tiny pit in my stomach as I embark upon this day.  This is one of those times in my life where I have only been given 50 yards of light on my pathway.  By this I mean that there are some challenges/opportunities that are ever so present today.  Sometimes I have crystal clear clarity for miles.  But, as it says on pages 86 and 87 of the Big Book, we can trust the intuitive thought or decision.  What I realize this morning is that I may need to walk right up to the moment before I receive that clarity.  I am intending to stay as neutral as possible and therefore available to this intuitive thought or inspiration.  If I decide on a path or on who I am right this moment then I may miss the “high road.”  My sense about my day is that I need to be flexible and neutral and turned on to my intuitive perceptions in order to navigate these challenges with the utmost integrity.  It is important that I am clear that my integrity is an alignment with my soul, with God, with Truth.  I am reminding myself in this moment of the big picture of my life and although my intention is to be fully present in each and every moment, as challenging as they may be, also to remember my long term goals and aspirations and to make sure that I am not choosing a reaction or desire in the moment which is out of alignment with my long term goals.  I believe in a Universe which would never set me up in a trick situation where there wasn’t the perfect opportunity for harmony and integrity between a choice that I am making in the moment being fully aligned with my long term goals.  So, here I go, off into a day of adventure and perhaps some challenges.  Before the day even begins I chose harmony, serenity and perfect alignment with the High and holy idea of my life.  I choose compassion for all that I encounter and I bless each person in this situation, knowing that they too are seeking happiness and doing their best to achieve it.  I am supported and lifted by my practice, my intention, my high thoughts and continuous choice to live my faith.  All is well and unfolding as it should.  Blessings Friends.

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