Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stabilizing then Harmonizing

“Light is the freest process of nature.  You can not bottle it up, and if you hide a flame under a bushel, it burns the bushel and makes an even greater light!”  Emma Curtis Hopkins

I love the idea of the great confinement or bottling of our light's un-sustainability and in actuality it's power to give more to our light itself.  It’s the same meaning as if it doesn’t kill us it makes us stronger.  Being stronger is in essence a brightening of our inner flame.  Our inner Light can only be bottled for so long before it’s nature will prevail and it will be free, as implied in the beautiful quote above.  I think that’s why our soul choses as much challenge as we can take.  Even death is the soul’s way of being it’s most natural state – free.  In this life I have had many bushels over my flame, many the result of addiction and some, like my father and brother’s transitions were the bushels that become my teachers’ and the very thing that strengthened my inner fire and ultimately the essence of the unleashed freedom that I feel in my soul and in every area of my life.  The world reflects in my life today, the softness that I have developed in my being through my spiritual practices, my sobriety, my yoga and my life.  Every area of my life is stabilizing with such sweetness and I am lifted on the wings of that which is so much greater than I.  Every relationship in my life is improving and is marked by harmony, deepening and an overall sense of joy.  I am so grateful that my job is something that I love participating in.  There is a synergy happening in and of the worlds of my life that is really quite awe-inspiring.  The miracles (defined as Divine intervention) seem to be occurring left and right and the only thing that gets in the way of that, is me.  I’m learning though through my practices to stay out of my own way, more and more.  I’m learning that my growing edges are patience and total honesty and integrity with my inner fire and all of that which I relate with in the world.  I see Light and Luminosity everywhere and I feel the magnitude of harmony emerging and unleashing as the great Oneness and Unity of Life.  This stuff is so worth the journey.  Keep up the inner work and let your truest nature be – be free.  life is good.  I activate love and truth in you with the very acknowledgement of It’s existence.  

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