Wednesday, March 21, 2012

True Faith is Like Sweet Curiosity

True faith is like a sweet curiosity especially when you are walking up to something that you are sure you really want.  This week is a huge faith walk for me as I walk up to the edge of some things that I have been attending for a while but as Brian Tracy(our companies goal coach) says, you can’t have opposing goals.  I think we forget this sometimes when we find ourselves in deep disappointment over something that did or didn’t occur.  I think that what is most often occurring in this situation is that there is a deeper goal being achieved.  That there is a deeper alignment occurring with our purpose or our growth in some way.  I often look at situations where I thought I was being denied or rejected and trace it forward sometimes just a day or two and realize that there was something so much better waiting for me than what I had in mind.   It’s not to say that we don’t set goals and have strong intentions but the final prayer and the deepest prayer is, for me, “Thy Will Be Done.”  Boy I have grown into this Principle over time.  As an “ageless wisdom, new thought spiritualist” I was sure that I was in control of my destiny, with my mind.  What I have realized is that YES we have access to this incredible spiritual laws and we are indeed epi-centers of creation if we so chose.  However I have come to believe that there is that thing which is Omnipotent(all powerful), Omnipresent(every-where present) and Omniscient(all knowing), that may just have a better idea with It’s Infinite Intelligence and all J of what I am really going for.  You see, as a human and as an addict, I think sometimes I would be willing to trade what I want in the moment for what I want in the long run and sometimes the Universe has allowed me exactly that experience.  But sometimes, especially when I am really in-line with my good and my goals, the Universe denies me that thing that I think I want in the moment.  Earlier in my evolution I used to take this personally and think that I wasn’t creating well enough or hadn’t done enough work or it was my fault somehow.  Ahhh, but now you see, I realize that I am dancing with eternity and sometimes it takes the lead.  Praise everything and find some sweet curiosity with it all.  Love on your journey today.

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