Saturday, April 7, 2012

God Powered

“The twelth stone stands for happiness.  The happy do not care what happens to them.  They are the care-free; the truly care-less.  They have cast all their care on the Author of omnipotent energy.” – Emma Curtis Hopkins.

The other day I was fumbling in my mind for a prayer and I had this moment of clarity for my prayer.  My prayer was, is and may always be, if I chose, as simple and as powerful as “I am happy.”  The word knows how to fulfill itself and when it comes down to it, I don’t need to be the author of the story that reveals my happiness, I just need to stand in the declaration that I Am happy and by those very words I know that the Universe has only to reveal how that looks.  I Am Happy.  I Am Happy.  I cast out “all(of my) care on the Author or Omnipotent(all powerful) energy.”  I Am are said to be the two most powerful words in the Universe and I have come to know this to be true.  The part that I have become more keenly aware of is that I am constantly saying “I Am”  in my head and sometimes out loud and if I were to take an even more thorough inventory of what follows my “I Am’s?” would I find some areas where I could be more kind and therefore more truthful about myself.  Would I find areas where I could be more intentional about the vibration, the tone that I am bringing to the world?  Would be a greater participant in revealing the Light and Love that I came to release?  Would I catch my ego in the act as it degrades me and keeps me small and take the moment to forgive my ego and in so doing find my spirit as the director of this God driven show?  I have this tattoo on my shoulder that says in Chinese characters – Spirit and Strength.  When I was in Thailand I met a traveler who had just been working in orphanages in Cambodia who had the exact same tattoo and he said that it reads “courage,” which I love too but over the years I have translated it for it’s deepest meaning to me and now I share with people that it means God(Spirit) Powered(Strength.)  I love this tattoo because it is a constant reminder for me to identify with Infinite God within and not with my ego.   Today I dedicate myself to the realization, actualization and experience of being more “God Powered” than ever before.  Love Out J

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