Friday, April 6, 2012

Saying Yes Unleashed Freedom and True Expression

There is a difference between saying yes and praising everything as the perfect tailored experiences for my growth and having boundaries.  In fact, having boundaries is a form of saying yes to my higher good and they are vital in our growth and our health.  Saying yes is saying yes to the Divine within…. to the Divine Impulse of life that is seeking to emerge as me.  You see, there is a match between what is happening within and the circumstances provided(yes, always “provided” by the Divine) as another opportunity for my Divine Light to emerge in bigger and more beautiful ways.   Saying yes is a way in which we express our faith that it truly is, all ONE.  That each and every person and situation is the Divine orchestration for good.  It is purely in resistance or saying no that we take ourselves out of the way of “Divine Intervention” which is just so happens to be my favorite definition of a miracle.  So, this whole business of yoga and sobriety is purely about learning to say yes on deeper and deeper levels.  It is about releasing ourselves from identification with the ego.  It is about freeing us for our slice of Divine Heaven Pie on earth.  There is certainly a meantime and valleys of darkness built by our ego’s in our states of non-attention and running(to drugs, alchohol, sex, over-exercise, addiction to other people, overeating, excessive television watching etc) that we must walk through in our awakening.  It is an honor to walk through those valleys, so if you are in one… keep walking…it’s just an old camp set up by the ego when you were turned from your true self.   It may not seem fun at first but the spiritual journey is not one of instant and yet empty gratification, it is about a dynamic and full relationship of glory with the One.  It is about Triumph.  It is about Adventure.  It is about Mystery.  It is a journey of Love…. One that can not be replaced with moment after moment of instant gratification of the egos’ desires. 

Say yes to that which is true about you, even in the midst of trial, especially in the midst of trial…. Say yes and know that truth better than anyone around you could possibly know it.  Saying yes is freedom unleashed.

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