Friday, June 15, 2012

A Sweet Freedom in Sobriety Guaranteed

In sobriety the confusion clears as the fog lifts in layers and I find myself more available than ever to the sweetness of the relationships in my life.  As I begin to drop the rocks that have been weighing me down for so long and my character defenses begin integrate into an experience of greater wholeness, I find myself grateful for all of the love in my life.   I am taking things less personally than I ever have before and becoming more clear about what my part in each situation is.  This clarity from the confusion that used to baffle me is one of the greatest gifts of sobriety.  I begin to sense myself with a compassion that I have never had before and therefore treat others with more of the compassion that they deserve.  When I got to the program I just wanted to stop drinking and realize now that my ego was so out of check that some part of me believed that stopping the drinking would be the cure all.   The truth is that the twelve steps are a deep, powerful and, sequential spiritual program which breeds a freedom that I couldn’t have fathomed before.  The truth is that the program offers the opportunity to experience the truth at the center of it all which is that we live in a dynamically and powerfully loving world.  I was speaking with someone who may be experiencing active addiction and she expressed not feeling supported or loved for who she is…. a feeling, that as she shared, I remembered feeling so often in my addiction.  She also expressed a tangible sense of confusion and separation from what is good in the world.  This conversation shed light on how far I have come in sobriety.  Generally I feel so connected to Love through the people, situations and environments in my life.  In sobriety I have been more forgiven and supported than I would have thought possible.  I have begun to really sense the goodness that lies at the center of every human heart and through my conscious yes to the Divine Plan for my life I have aligned myself with ever deepening experiences of how truly Good God is, at the core of it all.  I guess what I am saying is that through my sobriety I am finding myself closer to the core of Truth, to the Core of Love and Life and God.  The fog is lifting and my evolutionary path is consistent, tangible and sets me more free every day.  My deepest prayer is that you begin to sense your place on this path of expanding freedom.  Blessings of Love.

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