Monday, July 9, 2012

Be Here Now & Feel Joy & Serenity

“The future is no place to place your better days.” – Dave Mathews Band

“Be here now”… a phrase I use so often when I am leading meditation class.  I hear it resounding in my being this morning and as I gently move from my morning meditation to writing here, these are the words that flow from my heart – this is my mantra today.  I am here now, today.  I study spirituality in a really beautiful philosophy which offers a remembering to my soul – life is Infinite….meaning my soul will go on to Infinity developing and unfolding and expanding.  Currently I am living a very disciplined life for the sole purpose of the un-foldment of my dreams.  In the business of creating whatever we want using the laws of cause and effect, we can sometimes get caught up in creating everything that feels good, right now in the moment.  As I have grown in my Spirituality I am realizing how dynamic our nature truly is and in this there is so much unfolding all at once.  I used to think that I was overly sensitive and in fact was considered by many to be a very sensitive as a child.  What I am realizing now is that I was “overly sensitive” and yet it was because my intuitive sense was far more developed than many of the people around me.  As I really get to know myself through these steps and the other practices involved in my spiritual program, I am beginning to get a sense of how powerfully intuitive I have always been.  In my sobriety I get to connect with my intuition again and allow it to be my guiding light.  The lesson I am learning when it comes to my intuition today is to allow my mind to be quiet surrounding what is coming through my intuition.  Sometimes my intuition has to do with a moment, a day, a year, another time and sometimes it has to do with what I believe to be even other lifetimes.  Sometimes when I have a really strong insight, sign or most often, feeling about someone or something - my mind wants to run away with it.  What I am learning is that everything that has been given to me through my intuition is a part of the dynamic unfolding and how sweet it is to be connected to the vision before it emerges.  However, even with the sheer magic and power of my intuition – my  joy and serenity are contingent on my ability to follow Dave Mathews advice and realize that today has Infinity’s Perfect Gifts for the day, right here.  Be here now…. the future will come as the present bearing It’s perfect gifts on the day that it arrives.  I Am fully Present Here now.  I receive and give the gifts of the day with and to those whom I encounter today.  I am aware that this day is perfect in its fullness.


  1. Good to hear. The future is an idle construct, just an abstraction for which we try conjuring a solution and thereby exert our control and decrease the ever present anxiety with which we are blessed. Paradoxically, we just create more anxiety. But you know all that!

  2. Do not force your concentration and allow it to go where it needs to then bring it back to focus on your breathing and your thoughts.
