Saturday, May 18, 2013

Life shrinks or Expands in Proportion to One's Courage

The steps and yoga postures have so many things in common.  But the biggest and most foundational similarity is that they both hold everything we could possibly need for our maximum growth.  They are the place where we find our growing edges and work past them.  They unlock the great magic of Divinity within us.  I was explaining in meeting full of people that I had experienced some depression in my first year of sobriety and that there was an undeniable correlation between making my final amends (of this list) and a genuine freedom and joy that broke out in my life.  I had made it to step 9 in earlier periods of sobriety but had always thrown in the towel somewhere around the first or second amends(fishy?  Nooooo wayyy!! :P).  I would find my edge and I would back down, back away, pull out right before true and lasting growth was about to be anchored.  This can be true on my mat as well, like the day I found my edge in prayer twist and decided to try to move through it… and almost without effort, I floated up into side-crow.  I literally laughed out loud in class because it was so shocking to me that I had played small for who knows how much time that I could have been in side crow.  Whether it soaring into the freedom that is on the other side of an amends or soaring into the freedom of side crow, it’s all the same, it’s the place of bliss that exists just past our growing edges.  

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