Friday, May 8, 2020

Wholeness Is Our Most Natural State

Wholeness is our nature. 

It becomes seemingly covered and fragmented by the moments of our lives..  Then, it becomes a glorious experience when our wholeness finds a rare moment to reveal itself.  It feels so good compared to the experience of our fragments or our covered selves.  We begin to hunger for these moments and in this experience the “spiritual seeker” is born.  We hunger for our most natural, pure state.  This is only after experiencing what we are not.  We are not a piece of ourselves.  We are not the things that block and voer us up which is what we are experiencing when we feel anything less than whole.  How many times have you really, truly felt whole in your life?  The moment we become conscious of the ability of another to judge us, we begin the process of fragmentation… instead of expressing our whole self, we only express the piece that we want the other to see in order that they might judge us as right or good or kind.  In essence we forgot that we were already perfectly and holy a part of life and became small in order to be a part of, to belong to someone or someone or something else.  If we were truly experiencing our wholeness, there would not be a need to be a part of because that implies that we are a part looking for other parts to become whole.  It is in coming home to the truth that was always there, that we are inseparably and always one whole individual which means undivided.  Let us not play the game today of forgetting that we are already perfect, whole and complete.  Let us experience the peace and power of remembering our inherent wholeness.  Let us shine as beacons of this truth that others may return to themselves and shine their light.  One light at a time, let us light up the world with truth that has a simple and profound potential for deep and lasting healing.  You are whole.  I am whole.  We are whole.

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