Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Would I Be Thinking This or That if I Knew My Thought's Were Creative By their Nature?

“…we limit ourselves by thought of limitation.  Now, we must open up the doors of our consciousness and expand and expand and expand, and no longer hink in terms of the backyard lot but in terms of the infinite nature, in terms of the Universe.” -Ernest Holmes

Thoughts are things and modern day spirituality places the responsibility for our lives squarely on our shoulders.  Depending on the day or the hour or even the moment, this notion can either feel exhilarating or deafening.  Through an integrated balance between the program and other avenues of spirituality which serve me I have found that there is actually also a balance of co-creativity between myself and God and then there is that Divine seed which is my nature which is thrusting forward in time with or without me.  Now, of course, the more I water this the more it expresses in quality and in rate and my evolution by my very focus to be in alignment with and, a nurturer of my own God-seed and it’s growth is exponentially magnified and my potential is fulfilled in less time.  However, the nature of a flower is to grow from bud to bloom and so is the nature of my soul.  The difference is that I have an awareness of myself and can chose to close my perverbeal petals and not accept as much water or light.  But I cannot deny my roots and the soil at the base of me ,which is always encouraging and nourishing my growth.  This is where the self-limiting of the human species comes in.  I liken myself to a flower but in all actuality I know that we as human beings are so very dynamic in our nature and it is virtually impossible to simplify us to such a degree.  We are different from other life-forms by our very ability to be conscious of ourselves.  Our thoughts are exactly what have the potential to limits us as Ernest states in the above.  By our very thinking we have the power to activate our free selves and by the same token do we have the power to limit ourselves.  With “race consciousness(the average vibration or tendency of all thought)” vibrating and tending toward what it is today we are much more susceptible to thoughts of limitation and therefore the experience of limitation.  So, through meditation or simpe awareness begin to notice what you are thinking and start to decide that if you knew that this thought was going to become a thing in your world, would you continue to think it or would you change the thought.  The exciting news is that right where you are you are tapped into the most exciting creative power in the Universe you can co-author your own life.  So start to chose the thoughts which will birth the life you want.  Love and Light in the landscape of your mind today.

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