Monday, January 30, 2012

Seize the Struggle and Step Into Spirit

My journey on my mat yesterday was a beautiful experience of self-love and compassion.  I went on an intuition that my body needed a little tlc after my accident and yet a little cautious for the awareness of an injured shoulder and arm.  I committed to myself to find child’s pose as much as any area of my body needed the rest of me to be there.  I listened sweetly to my shoulder as it told me “yes, go ahead and raise me during this sun-salutation or no, don’t raise me here.”  I was able to do most of the poses and those that I wasn’t I found a sweet love with and of myself that is really quite endearing.  I’ve heard some of the best yoga teachers talk about how it is so much more respectable to listen to your body on each respective day and find the modified pose or even child’s pose if you need it at anytime during a class.  My experience and I think most people would resonate with being bullied by the loud taunting of the ego saying, “you can’t go into child’s pose now…. Childs pose is for wussies…. Just push it a little harder and then you can walk away from class feeling like you did it, like you are enough!!!” Not so, little ego, not so…  Indeed, there are times when I will be flying into side crow with finesse and ease and there are times where I have the right to, and will, chose not even to spread my arms in a twisted chair pose.  This is so true of life…. Some days we have more energy and vitality than others.  Some days we are blissed out to find ourselves perfectly in the flow of life, in that sweet spot where everything seems to be unfolding sweetly and without effort.  It would be great if we lived from this place every day and certainly as we grow in our spirituality through our yoga, the program and other spiritual avenues we will find ourselves inhabiting that sweet spot-flow-state more often but there are bound to be days where we are just a little left of center and there seems to be a challenge, sometimes even a “full-court press” of stress and struggle.  But, if like yesterday, I can find it in me to bypass my ego and take care of myself better than anyone else could, I find I bond and grow in love and strength and bypass the ego-based struggle into the realm of the Spirit. From this place my Spirit grows as the director of my life and I as a spiritual being having a human experience expand in my power and grace on the planet.  My consciousness and energetic vibration is raised in moments like this.  So seize these moments of struggle as huge opportunities for expansion and sink in and listen….listen for that intuitive voice within which whispers it’s guidance to you.  Listen and follow through no matter what.  The person next to you may be flying the most beautiful side-crow of her life and GOOD FOR HER!  Today is her day to fly.  Today is then your day to celebrate her success and celebrate the success of your Spirit over your ego by NOT FLYING TODAY.  Some days we are in training and some days we are in triumph.  Accept and be honest about your point of evolution in any moment and heaven will begin to have it’s way with you :-)!  Love Out Sober yogis!

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