Sunday, December 18, 2011

Be Loved for No Reason

Why is it that challenges feel like mountains in the moment?  Perserverance and adherence to Truth and faith and attention on what is truly important to us coupled with a little time almost always turns these mountains into molehills.  Even a day can make such a difference in the world.  Today for example was a breeze compared to the challenges that came up at work yesterday.  What’s the difference between today and yesterday…. I don’t know.  But I am learning that in order to have high flyin’, zip roarin’ days of pure joy and pure ecstacy, then there needs to be days which provide necessary relativity.  The difference now during a solid practice and dedication to yoga and sobriety…. -my reactivity and participation are so different than ever before.  I have been taught to create and participate in the “pause” and without getting lost in total complacency I find myself slipping back into action from a place of love and empowerment, more often than not.  

“God, I offer this moment to thee to write through me and to do with me and to be through me as thou will.  Thy will, not mine be done.”  May my ego be enveloped by the sheer power and Love of Good, of God within me and may this moment continue to be guided by the pure unhindered movement of Spirit.  May these words be the creative outpicturing of my soul, of my inner life in such a way that will aid myself and others in their journey in sobriety.  May my Light, however bright it may be in this moment, be a beacon of light for others on their Way.  May all be reminded through their own practices, communities and intuition of the true nature of their soul and that there is nothing that one can do which can cause them to truly fall from a state of grace.  May each know that there is nothing that they have done to take them outside of Love.  Love, by It’s very nature is unconditional and does not chose who, when or where.  It simply is and we are It’s expression.  So we can let go together in this moment of any conditioning that tells us that we have to be, do or have something to deserve love.  We are taught on our mats, by the guides at the front of the room, by the people in the program that we are loved… that we too are love and shall give it away to ourselves and others in order to advance our practices and remain sober.  We are then therefore in line with our purpose to love in a unique, dynamic and powerful way.  May Light burst through the darkness of anyone feeling it right now and may they reach out a hand and allow the grace of love to love them for no reason at all.  May we know that God is the Power and Presence of Love at the center and circumference of all of life.  May we be ignited by the purpose at the center of our soul’s and rise up out of the darkness together, into the light.  May we learn to discern and not to judge based on the truth that we are all worthy and my worth is not a measure of myself against another.  May we know that there is enough for all and that we simply have to take a bucket instead of a thimble to the Infinite well.  May we know that Christ was not a man but a consciousness embodied by a man named Jesus.   May we trust this man when he said that “these and greater things shall you do” and may we go on to do greater things which could only be done by embodying the consciousness of Christ within ourselves and our own lives.  May we remain sober, knowing that it is a gift, not a curse for we are truly available to the miracles of life as a result.  Starting with community may we recognize how good life feels in sobriety and remember how bad life feels at the merciful isolation of the drink or drug.  May I see, sense and feel this truth more often each day, in new ways allowing God to reveal Truth through my eyes, ears and heart.  May sobriety and yoga continue to reveal Love to me and others in the most deep, profound and mind blowing ways. 

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