Saturday, November 19, 2011

Awareness: A Sure Gift of Yoga and Sobriety.

I love yoga not only because it gets me in great physical shape but it connects my mind, body and spirit and allows for me to be in the seat of my self which is my conscious awareness.  I am reminded in my studies this morning that when I am not centered in why awareness with that part of myself that is “watching” the monkey mind or even the quiet mind, then I am more identified with my mind.  In yoga we refer to this as “the monkey mind” and in AA we often talk about the mind being a dangerous place to be, or as those who are extreme would say… the mind is the worst enemy.  Perhaps it is time to make friends with the mind.  First we must identify with that part of ourselves which is observing the thoughts.  For example if I am thinking about my dog Sophie on my bed, I could translate this to another individual by saying, “I am thinking about Soph on my bed…”  The question then is, who is thinking about Soph on the bed?  I Am thinking about Soph…. The Subjective part of myself is observing myself thinking about my dog on my bed.  There is always a witness which is observing what our “little me’s” are currently focusing on at any given moment.  We are not what we focus on and we are not our thoughts…. We are that which can observe any of this action.  We are that within us which is not attached to any moment, person, substance or situation.  Life is a flow from one moment to the next…. What flows from one moment to the next, from one year to the next, that changeless Self of I Am of God, of Spirit of Universal Life.  This is the aspect of me which some would refer to as the soul.  I never agreed with the Buddhist theory of non-attachment because I thought then why the heck am I hear on earth to be non-attaached to anything.  But now I am finally getting it…. It’s like YES!  Enjoy the sensations of the experience – the people, the tastes, the touch, the sights, the smells the the joy, the pain…. But allow it to flow out as easily as I allowed it to flow in.  Be welcoming of the changing of the seasons of the changing of the tides which sometimes happens daily and sometimes happens hourly.  Be present with love to that which is soooo focused on what is occurring in this moment with this or that, with him or her, but remind that self that it is ALL just an experience.  Yoga brings me into touch with who and what I truly Am…. Universal Light manifesting itself in the most unique and magnificent way that has never ever been presented before like it is today in me.  I can be gentle with myself and love myself and therefore I can be gentle with you and love you for right where you are on your path.  I reach my hand out today and ask how I can serve the earth and I hear Spirit whispering back…. Be present with Love for yourself and others.  Many Blessings on this beautiful journey today.

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