Monday, November 7, 2011

Empowered Through Forgiveness

I received a letter from one of the people that I love most in this world, which touched me in a place that is rarely touched.  In actuality though I am getting more time than ever before in this sweet place as a direct result of sobriety and yoga.  I love this place, it’s the place of Grace, where the hardening of life softens in such a way that it all fades away and we feel the presence of Good and realize it has been there the whole time.  In the program, in my spiritual studies and in yoga we learn about the practice of Forgiveness.  Many say that it is the absolute highest practice available and through my own practical application and the pure bliss and awe of the miracles which were a result, I am in full agreement.  It’s almost as if now when I have a resentment come up there is a bigger part of me saying “yahoo, I have an opportunity to participate in the revelation of a miracle…. there’s something good happening here,” what a shift from an old victim consciousness, which would have had me stagnant in fear and resentment for days or months, trying to be right.  Today, I am empowered through the practice of forgiveness.  In the program we look at resentments in steps 4 and 5 and 8 and 9 and both are really really rich opportunities for healing.  So, if you are embarking on these steps with your sponsor, dive in, do it fully, to the best of your ability because you get exponentially larger miracles proportionate to what you put in.  This being said, it doesn’t have to be perfect, any work at all that you do will be perfect, so dig in and let the Good stuff in life happen.  Regarding the friend that sent me the letter.  Several weeks ago, we had a mis-communication and disagreement, which hurt so deeply that I felt I was ingesting energetic poison as it occurred.  My first response was to go “tai chi” on her and send it flying back at her in anger.  Instead I used the tools that I learned in the program and “paused” for about three days, spoke with my sponsor and a few close friends, I prayed about it, I prayed for her.  The miracle – without losing any power or digging us any further into misunderstanding, I stood back and allowed the Universe to take care of it.  The Universe took care of it beautifully and I feel closer to her now than I have in years.  Grace is upon us my friend’s, we simply have to let it in.  “Let” is a three letter word that seems so simple and yet can feel so impossible when we have our ego running the show.  Join me in telling your ego this day, “hello ego, you can relax now, the spiritual nature of me is running the show, and we know that life is a flow of beauty and love and there is nothing to muscle, control or prove here.  We are perfect, right where we are supposed to be and I live in a friendly Universe which supports me, lifts me and loves me.”    Sincere Love to each of you....

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