Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Triumph is Sweet

There is a new Paradigm emerging in life that I am lining up with. This is a wholeness paradigm, where our Spiritual fitness is the priority and being spiritually fit I make myself available to all of the spokes on the wheel of the wholeness paradigm. With my attention turned toward God, which is synonomous with whatever small understanding I have of Infinite Love, Intelligence and Creativity, I am open to emerging states of Grace and Greatness. I turn toward Love through sobriety, by joining others in life and being witness to their evolvement and unfoldment and relieving my mind of it’s insanity by hearing someone else share exactly what was driving me mad, dancing like monkies through my mind for days, weeks, months or even years in some cases. I know I’m not the only one who has had these dancing mind monkies of madness when an entire room erupts with laughter at 7:00am. The joy is so very real in a room of recovering alcoholics and many times people comment about how could we, who are apparently recovering from such a serious disease, find such humor in our foibles. Well, because together we have walked into the light and looking back at our isolated darkness we can laugh because we are living triumph. Triumph is one of my very favorite words on the planet. I love the word because it is the sweet spot of life. I have learned that the whole journey is God and Good and amazing in it’s own right, but there is just something so magical about that moment when all that you have dedicated yourself to be, occurs in real life like it leapt out from the dream states in your heart which carried you through, around and over every trial and tribulation along the way. Triumph often makes visible the moments when there was no-one but you and God as you stayed in integrity and took the high road, again and again. Triumph is the sum total of all of your good decisions emerging as a real life experience and I love it. It is so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Triumph, for me, is synonymous with success. That moment when you realized all that darkness, all that pain, all the mini milestones along the way have created a stepping stone path (only visible when you look back) into the light- this play of high enlightenment, so bright we are almost blinded. Cue the "awwww" of angels voices on high- or in the case of your entry...cue the understanding laughter of a room full of folks in recovery. Either's sweet and that moment it seems to activate a new level of vicration that propels us into the next dimension, above our current glass ceiling into the realms of possibility. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of the importance of community- a place to see our triumphs and have them celebrated.
