Sunday, November 20, 2011

Flow State - Available thanks to yoga and sobriety

Sunday is my absolute favorite day of the week – there is just something so magical about it.  I personally love to celebrate The Unity that exists at the center of all of life… that presence of Love and Intelligence and Creativity.  That presence which is un-namable and un-describable and yet we can begin to sense and feel it in places like the rooms, nature or church.  I feel this presence on my mat… for example I sometimes find myself at a crux of existence when I somehow release my efforting to some energetic flow that is larger than myself.  It is this presence, which might be called flow, creativity or power in an individual.  In the Warren Miller ski film that I went to last night they stated that scientists say that those athletes who are doing things that would seem impossible to the rest of the world are in what’s called “a flow state” whereby the faster they are moving, the slower their mind is going.  I believe I have experienced this “flow state” and have fallen so in love with it’s brilliance that every day I wake and dedicated myself to deepening into it.  I believe this state was the same state that people like Mother Theresa, Jesus, Buddha all lived from – it is an experience of Union with the essence of the same life that lives within all of us.  I am so deeply grateful to be developing a connection with this awesome power of love through my sobriety and my yoga practice.  Because I know that this a presence that is everywhere I know that in every moment whether I know it or not I am connected to this presence.  My life now seems to be more about being conscious of my connection with this higher power.  I love Sundays because it seems that there is a much bigger collective consciousness toward becoming aware of our connection with this presence that I like to call God.  I know some people don’t like the word and I understand that and have no judgement of you, your beliefs and your path…. Simply, these are just mine and where I am currently on my path of evolution.  I refer to the Unity of Life which I have felt as Love and Intelligence and Power and Freedom and Peace, as God.  You call it whatever you want and court this in whatever way you chose if at all… you are still perfect in my eyes.  Sundays to me are about remembering that this presence is in you and me and my dog and my mom and my sponsor and in the flowers and in each falling flake of snowy perfection.  This presence is guiding, protecting and providing for me in ways that I could not do for myself…. This is referred to in the big book and it is acknowledged sometimes as the “collective consciousness” in yoga.  Whatever it is, it is far too infinite for me to ever truly have a grasp upon.  For now, I am in love with my evolving relationship with Good… with God.  So, I surrender everything I think I know for a new experience of life today.  I intend to know every area of my life as whole, perfect and complete because my intuition knows and my energetic bodies agree when I am told this by the great spiritual leaders of today.  I open myself to the 9th step promises by showing up and being my best…. I allow the rest to unfold in grace and dignity. 

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